Five Years North is the coming-of-age story of Luis, an undocumented Guatemalan boy who just arrived alone in New York City. He struggles to work, study, and evade Judy - the Cuban-American ICE officer patrolling his neighborhood.
About The Door:
Our goal is to better support young new arrivals and to improve our broken immigration system.
We’ve partnered with The Door so that your donation directly supports a kid in need—even during COVID-19! The Door serves nearly 11,000 young people from all over New York City. With a wide range of services it is unique in its ability to meet the complex needs of New York City’s disconnected youth, ages 12–24—all under one roof, regardless of immigration status. No other organization provides the range of services they do all in one place.
Right now they are providing Luis with free mental health support and legal advice. Luis loves The Door and so do we!